Have you ever stopped to consider this question: What role does your organisation’s culture play in your business?
You might be surprised at some of the answers you generate from considering this question, and be inspired by the understanding that emerges from your answers.

Over the years I have asked myself and my clients this same question hundred of times and as a result I have identified quite an extensive list of ‘roles’.

Have a read through the following roles and see which apply to your organisation’s culture;

  1. Culture elevates performance through shared energy, enthusiasm, commitment and collaboration.
  2. Culture stabilises disparate effort across the business, balancing out the thousands of behaviours that occur every day across your organisation, into one directive group effort.
  3. Culture delivers your brand promise.
  4. Culture turns a person into a people, turning the perception of ‘I’ into ‘We’.
  5. Culture enables shared meaning to be drawn from the work we do and makes our combined efforts worthy of our best efforts.
  6. Culture supports the delivery of customer service experiences.
  7. Culture delivers your business strategy.
  8. Culture creates the environments, daily rituals and beliefs that connect your people, with your company.
  9. Culture is the context in which leadership must operate, influence and inspire.

Cultural Question For Consideration.

Determine how well your culture is enabling those roles you’ve selected, to happen.

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