Here is an overview of how I work. As a corporate anthropologist I:
My credentials include:
Above the Line: How to Create a Company Culture that Engages Employees, Delights Customers and Delivers Results is a handbook for leaders wanting to leverage their organisation's culture to engage staff, increase customer satisfaction and streamline business performance. Discover how to achieve optimum results from your organisational culture, without needing external consultants, using a time- and money-saving, organic, in-house approach to company culture transformation. Step-by-step, Michael Henderson illustrates how to create a culture in which employees and leaders delight an organisation’s customers, shareholders, employees' families, suppliers and the board of directors.
Insights into Creating a High Performance Company Culture is a 5-chapter e-book for leaders, people & culture professionals and senior executives wanting a glimpse into the approach and processes of The High Performance Culture Planning Program, a customised 12-month educational journey developed and delivered by Michael Henderson. It contains definitions to understand the crucial role of culture; metaphors that help people grasp the difference between engagement and culture; and probing questions that help individuals understand the what it takes for an organisation to undertake radical and long-lasting transformation. All these insights, available through a corporate anthropology lens, will help readers discover the fundamentals of a high-performance culture, how to review their own culture themselves, and more.
We believe in culture. It is humanity's greatest invention.
Culture provides systems that empower human beings to decide and enact what they stand for. Together.
Culture invites us to collaborate, to bring our beliefs to life. To embrace our deepest sources of identity:
of who we really are.
Culture is powerful and instrumental.
Imagine your company's perfect culture.
How do people treat one another?
How much easier is it to get things done?
How well do people perform?
What are the levels of energy, enthusiasm and pride?
Can you picture it? What do you feel?
Excited, inspired, a sense of belonging?
Cultures At Work helps you bring this culture vision to life.
We want your culture dream to become your culture reality.
So, dream big with culture.
Say no to settling. No to boring. No to standardised and benchmarked cultures.
(Never be average with your culture. It's a waste of precious culture energy.)
Let us show you the culture tools and architecture to build your organisation’s culture dream.
And live in it.
The best part?
That perfect culture you imagined
is possible.
All you have to do now is
Believe it, then
Behave it:
You are certain to Become it.
How can I be so sure?
Because that is the way every human culture has come into being.
You see, culture dreams don't come true–
you do.
Are you ready?
Come true, to your culture dream.?
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